Unlock Your Inner Healer Inside The School Of Ascension

Tried traditional healing methods but still feel stuck? The School Of Ascension will help you take your healing to the next level.Ā 

Pay in Full

$5 555

Top features

  • 20% discount on above price until October 1st.
  • Receive a bonus 1-1 session with Rachael as a pay in full student.Ā 
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Payment Plan

$1 111

Top features

  • 20% discount on above price until October 1st.Ā 
  • Make 6 payments of $1,111
  • Payments made on the same day of the month every monthĀ 
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$8 888

Top features

  • 8 week 1-1 mentorship programĀ 
  • Bonus session when you join before October 1st
  • Receive additional energy healingsĀ 
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